Please come and visit our store! Our sales team will be glad to meet you!
Lohnergasse 1a, 1210 Vienna, Austria
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday
8.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 12.30
The ideal solution for fastening joist hangers and pre-drilled plates in structural wood construction. The powerful FASCO® F70G Joist/Anchor 34-60 gas tool ensures safe and efficient installation of anchor nails at all times.
Do you have any further questions about our product? Contact us! Our contact details are:
Headquarters Austria | Sales Office Germany | | |
Our comany is professional manufacturer and distributor focused on marking of various material like wood, steel, aluminium, brass, leather, cork, and many other materials. With centuries of experience, our company is on the market since 1884 offering high quality products to our customers.
Please come and visit our store! Our sales team will be glad to meet you!
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday
8.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 12.30