Please come and visit our store! Our sales team will be glad to meet you!
Lohnergasse 1a, 1210 Vienna, Austria
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday
8.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 12.30
Le tecnologie per la marcatura a battuta richiedono un’incisione costante e regolare.Nel nostro assortimento troverete soluzioni per la vostra applicazione nella marcatura convenzionale.
Punzoni per metallo
Punzoni speciali in acciaio temperato
Caratteri in acciaio
Portacaratteri manuali o per presse
Per domande sui nostri prodotti e serviczi, contattaci tramite e-mail. I nostri dati di contatto sono:
Our comany is professional manufacturer and distributor focused on marking of various material like wood, steel, aluminium, brass, leather, cork, and many other materials. With centuries of experience, our company is on the market since 1884 offering high quality products to our customers.
Please come and visit our store! Our sales team will be glad to meet you!
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday
8.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 12.30